Called to street evangelism?

Join us as we go through the streets of San Angelo, TX as well as surrounding counties proclaiming the Gospel of Jesus Christ.  Minister Mark Flores has been leading street ministry and shares a deep burden for those in need of the Gospel.

Sent with purpose.

Through prayer and fasting we believe the Lord will use you for street evangelism. We're all commissioned to spread the Gospel. Are you willing?

Adding to the Kingdom.

We want to advance the Kingdom. Street evangelism is one of the many ways we do this. Join us today.

A voice crying out.

With so many voices in the world it can be difficult to hear the one that matters. We go door to door speaking with many different people. With the hope that they would hear the same voice we did. The only voice that matters.

Be informed.

You may be the only "church" people ever see. It's important that we understand the Gospel and are seasoned in the Word. This comes with time, but there is no better way to learn then to jump in. We're here to help.